Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Deserving Diva's! Now is the time to nominate
Who would have ever thought that this time last year I was on a list that would so drastically change my life forever and be such a lavish gift. So, if you know of Deserving Diva that is always putting others first and needs a Dental makeover, now is the time to nominate her. It may even be that someone wants to nominate you.! I know my life was changed, now is the time to help change someone else's.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Just one more day!
So tomorrow is the big day! Hope you can make it out! It is going to be fun, exciting and exhilerating but most of all a moment to reflect on how great God is. That Dr, Williams saw a need to help and went the extra mile and extended the hands of feet of the gospel to us so that we can feel better about ourselves and to be healthier. We all have new smiles but we are all healthier. Our pain is gone and our smiles are big to honor all those that have worked so hard to help us be even better.
Our family sends the best hug to all the staff at Suwannee Dental and to Andrea, Dr. Williams and Dr. Golik for your continued care and the biggest blessing of my life.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Just a week to the reveal
These past years I have not had time or energy to really take care of myself. I really have been run down but something about a new smile, a new point of view on your life can really change your perspective. Dr, Williams and Dr, Golick will never really know the depths of appreciation I have to the things God has done in my heart over the last few months with this opportunity to have a new smile.
I have started taking an inventory of myself. I have started realizing how much I need to take care of my physical body not just the inside. All those changes can't be seen yet on the outside but they will soon,. I feel better, I have more energy and soon I will have a new hairstyle and a beautiful new smile. By the end of the year I will have achieved the things God started showing me when this started..."Me". I just need to take those steps and take care of "Me" just as much as those around me. When you are a care giver and have that heart, sometimes the "me" gets left out.
Thank you so much Suwaneed Dental, Dr, Golik, Dr Williams...I will forever hold in my heart those things you have taught me along the way.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Class of 2010, a year later
I have embraced the new, more confident woman that God and Suwanee Dental have allowed me to be. Professionally, I have gone after some big international ministries to work with and am thrilled to say that we are now working together. And, I am not afraid to go after more!! I have been able to mentor other people through many of the situations I have experienced in my own life. I travel internationally for work as well as to teach about "The Gift of Hospitality". I am blessed to call Pastors, Apostles, successful business people, Dove and Grammy award winners my friends. There are precious friends I know have all over the world. One big change that I experienced is that I embraced the fact that God wanted all of this and more for me. We are SO worthy, SO valued in His eyes. We are his precious children and he wants us to thrive in this world, not just survive, barely getting by.
"Thank you" can never express what I feel towards Dr Williams and Suwanee Dental for their sacrifices, love and willingness to be used by God. Sometimes, God needs those human hands to touch, reach and serve.
I am unbelievably proud to forever be a part of the Suwanee Dental Deserving Divas and the Deserving Diva Foundation.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Less Than a Week!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Fun Day
I was a little bummed today because my temporaries and permanents did not make it in this week. I am probably only slighty bummed compared to Dr. Golik. What an incredible dentist. He cares so much. But when they do get here, it is going to one huge smile.
As I am sitting here writing, I have just read Nancy's blog. My mind wondered back to the beginning and through the last few months. There have been so many changes in my heart since that first day. The people that work in Suwanee Dental have been such a blessing to me. They have extended to me the true example of the hands and feet of the gospel. They have loved on me and encouraged me each and every time I step into the office. From Linda, at the front desk to Dr. Golik in the "chair" I have been so blessed to be a part of this process. The people in the office have spent extra time, support and care to make sure that I not only have a new smile but the best smile! What an overwhelming gift that has been for me. I am not even sure I know how to receive it. I was telling Andrea today that if they did nothing else I would be happy.
So, Dr. Williams and Dr. Golik...thank you. You guys are the best but I also love every hygenist and assistant you have as well. I would not know what I would do without them and I know you feel the same. And Andrea and guys are the best!
As we move forward and get closer to the reveal the excitement is building. I can't wait to see the end results. I saw Nancy, with her temporaries in the office the other day and she looked so lovely. Just a beautiful lady with a beautiful smile. We are so humbled and so blessed.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Quick Thought
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Next Step in this Journey
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
It's finally all coming together!
But, when people ask how it is going and can we see a difference yet? I haven't been really able to let them see how amazing the end result is going to be. Dr. Golik has been doing so much of the ground work that is necessary before we can get to the fun stuff. Finally last week I went in for all my impressions for the reveal and next week I will at least get to see a good start of new, beautiful, brilliant teeth. All of it will not be in yet but the crowns will be and that will start the process.
My biggest issue was all my broken teeth that had infection. Now, my teeth feel so strong. All I wanted was to be able to chew and not hurt and I have been so blessed that I have already achieved that goal. The over the top blessing is I will be able to have these beautiful new teeth, strong gums and a brilliant smile to go with it! The "cherry" on top of the ice cream I can now eat is that I have this wonderful team at the dentist that even when I know it is NOT going to be a fun visit, they walk me through it every step of the way. How amazing is all this? For me, a blessing beyond anything I could have imagined.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Next Week
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ready For The New Smile Test Drive
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The process is long but so worth it!
Lately I feel like my job is to hang out up at Suwanee Dental, LOL. I have been back and forth to see Dr. Golick this last month for so many things to get ready for my implants next week. We have lasered my gums, we have whitened my teeth ( I will not even tell you how many shades lighter they are) and we have cleaned, cleaned and cleaned my gums. But, oh so worth it. If I didn't get anything else done with my teeth I would be happy. I can't tell you how much better they feel. How much easier it is to eat and not always have that aching feeling in your mouth.
But, next week is the big day! I get those implants started and well, I am sure I will not be able to talk too much for a bit. But of course I always think the worst and it seems that it is not as bad as I build it up to be. One day I went home and just knew my mouth was going to hurt for a week but by the next day I was back to normal. It is really starting to take the worry out of going to the dentist for sure. Their new techniques and medicines really help ease the pain and worry. So going to the dentist can be fun and exciting. I know it was for me when they whitened my teeth. WOW.
Well, I will update after the big surgery next week and I want to thank all the staff at Suwanee Dental. They make you feel special and cared for every time you go in. They are the best in my book.
Barb King
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
This Makeover Process is TRULY life-changing
Ladies, I promise you, the mere ability to smile in public without worry, is so FREEING. I joked that I needed a class to teach me how to smile without looking like a psychopath, because I has never truly smiled before. I can tell you though...I think I have it down now.
I can't wait to meet you all in person. The class of 2010 welcomes you to "Deserving Divas"
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Just Thinkin' :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A Note from Nancy
Thursday, March 10, 2011
God works Miracles in Dentistry
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Deserving Diva 2011 S. Lika
Friday, February 11, 2011
Our Third Deserving Diva, Shefije!

We met Shefije last year through our Diva Nominations but it was just not quite her time. Little did she know, we never forgot who she was or what she does! When we received even more nominations for Shefije in 2011, we were convinced that this was the year she would get her smile back. She is a single mother of five children and this is what some say about her “Beyond her own family, Shefije is a warm, kind, supportive presence to many children and adults in our community. She is that mom who makes it to three class parties all at the same time and, somehow, helps to make all the parties better, by her help and by her spirit. For no special reason, Shefije commits small acts of kindness or gratitude for teachers and kids. Or, she shows up with needed school supplies. In seeing her interact in the cafeteria, hallways, and meetings, it’s clear that she is a true friend to many in our community. It is obvious that she knows and cares about what is happening in the families in our school. Shefije doesn’t have a lot of material things. What she has, she shares. Generously. She gives all that she can, all of the time.” Melissa Faulkner Snellville,GA. We are so excited that Shefije is a part of our 2011 Deserving Diva Makeover contest. We couldn’t ask for a better group of deserving ladies this year.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
More about our Deserving Diva Nancy!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
My First Appointment --Barbara King
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Deserving Diva--Barbara King
Monday, January 31, 2011
Barbara King, a Truly Deserving Diva

She is a business owner, teacher, care giver, volunteer and Mother to a daughter of 14 who has been battling Cystic Fibroses her whole life. Barbara is also on the board of advisors at Egleston where her daughter Olivia has been spent more days last year then at home.
Barbara is a caring, giving person who is very involved in her church. The people that know her the best say that she is a light in their lives and you would never know that she has been under such stress. We agree that Barbara is a bright and joyful person who understand the meaning of giving back in it’s truest sense.
Congratulations Barbara! You are truly Deserving! Watch for more updates from Barbara and our other 2 Deserving Diva’s in 2011.
Suwanee Dental Care
Friday, January 28, 2011
Meet your 2011 Deserving Divas!

Where it all began..

The Deserving Diva Makeover Contest was founded in 2009 by Dr. Bill Williams of Suwanee Dental Care. He was looking for a way to give back by rewarding the women in our community who are exemplary but also have a great need for dental care. The first year, after several small announcements, hundreds of nominations poured in. With such an overwhelming response, in 2010, Dr. Williams granted 4 women the chance to have the smile they always dreamed of. With dramatic makeover results that changed the lives of Debra Montgomery, Patti Shiver, Gwendolyn Richardson and Heather Trompke, Dr. Williams whole heartedly made the decision to yet again accept nominations for a Deserving Diva. With yet again, hundreds of nominations pouring in, Dr. Williams has narrowed down his search for the Deserving Diva of 2011 by these criteria:
- A pillar in the local community
- Ability to have the work performed
- A severe dental need
“This is one of the most difficult yet rewarding in my career as a dentist” said Dr. Williams. After reading through hundreds of nominations and narrowing it down to ten, Dr. Williams, Dr. Smith and Dr. Golik are ready to announce the Suwanee Dental Care 2011 Deserving Diva...
Stay Tuned!