Monday, May 3, 2010

Update from Cheney Davis at the Cauble Center

It’s hard to believe April is over and gone. Heather and I have had a very successful month I think. We did her microdermabrasion treatment and her skin is much improved already after two treatments. We continue to work on her arms and we did a set of measurements at the half way mark. She has already lost ½ inch in each arm. How awesome is that? Having worked with body sculpting for quite some time now it never ceases to amaze me how the body wants to keep things in repair and even. Usually when I begin this process with a client one half of the body is larger ( usually the dominant side). As we use the lipo and carbossi the body takes the lead and makes both halves equal. I’m seeing that now with Heather. Her arms will be the same size when we finish all this. In May we move to the upper and lower abs while continuing to work on her arms as well. This will be an entirely differently shaped individual at the unveiling in August. Will keep all of you in the loop. In the meantime please encourage Heather to exercise some. Have a great weekend.

Cheney Davis The Cauble Center for Skin Care.

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